IISE of the square: the situation in the Middle East to confusion

Middle East situation was a sudden change in the past year

IISE of the square: the situation in the Middle East to confusion To look back on the go pass year but might be a little too early, or would not be in the Korean Peninsula and the Arab Islamic countries most significant change was observed region in the world in this year year. Obama before US President has been taking inaction route called 'strategic patience] with respect to North Korea, the former president has been a priority even during the term of the year, the extent of the difference between what there status quo with respect to the Arab countries . Of it began to move in the political but from the advent of playing cards US President that has been slandered before he became the amateur. In North Korea policy now date, is the first-ever US-North Korea summit meeting in Singapore was conducted. Although the results can not say anything without having watched the future of progress, the big fact that the summit was not considered in the Obama regime has been realized. On the other hand, Trump President for the Middle East Arab date, expand the thorough Israel support line, it was also executed boldly the transfer of the capital Jerusalem from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv.